Building a dream property investment team – who do you need?

Nobody knows it all! Especially if you are new to property  investing,  it’s  best  to  get  some  quality advice from sources you can trust. Even the most experienced  property  investors  usually  have  a ‘dream  team’  –  people  they  can  call  on  to  help make their investments work.

Who should be on your property investment team?  We recommend:team

A mortgage broker

A  mortgage  broker  helps  you  get  your  loan.  They analyse your needs and find the institutions offering the best fit. Mortgage brokers help you complete your application, they submit it for you, and work with the institutions until they issue you with the money.

An accountant

Choose someone with experience with property in- vestments. Your accountant should give advice about structuring your finances and tax.

A qualified quantity surveyor

A  quantity  surveyor  can  inspect  your  property  and prepare a depreciation schedule for your accountant. This will help you pay less tax.

A legal expert

You need someone to do conveyance when you buy a property. They can help you structure your investments to protect your current and future assets. It is also  useful  to  have  someone  on  hand  to  help  with contracts, trusts and wills, and give legal advice if anything goes wrong.

A builder/building inspector and a pest controller

It’s important to have someone who can inspect potential  properties  for  potential  building  and  pest faults. This will give piece of mind, and may save you a fortune.

Property manager

Unless you are prepared to spend a lot of time and effort running your property, we recommend you hire a good property manager.

Insurance broker

An insurance broker can assess your risks and find you the right insurance deal for your needs.

Where can you find your team?

Of course, Certum  can help you through the investment process and provide you with ethical, trust-worthy advice. We can even build the complete team for you, if that’s what you need.

If you want to go it alone, do your research. Start with property  magazines  and  books,  blogs,  associations and conferences. Meet other investors and ask them about  what  they’ve  done  and  who  they’ve  worked with. (Beware, though – pick and choose the advice you follow!)  When you build your team: ask friends and family whom they would recommend check out the businesses carefully on the Internet  don’t be afraid to ask for and check references.

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